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Which skin color is more attractive

Average skin colors are seen as most attractive. Typically, tan is the average skin color, making it very attractive to most people. However, the most attractive skin color varies on preference, culture, and sex. A healthy skin complexion and rosy “glow” is always considered attractive.

It is important to note that the most attractive skin color is not an issue of race. Each country will have its own cultural beauty standards, so an attractive skin color for one country may not be the same for another.Typically, the average skin color of a country is the most attractive. Additionally, a healthy complexion (not necessarily color) or “glow” is always attractive.

The average skin color for most countries is light brown or tan. According to a study called “Shades of beauty,” light brown skin tones are often the most physically attractive skin color (Frisby et al., 2006). They used four models for that study. They did not change the skin tone, but they imaged each model to three different skin tones: light, medium, and dark.The participants, who were African American and Caucasian, thought the light brown skin tone was the most attractive. Therefore, the average color was found to be the most beautiful.

Keep in mind that they did the study in America. Other countries may have different ideas of attractive skin color.For instance, many East Asian countries prefer light skin colors. However, that comes from deeply-rooted preferences from the past.They believed people with lighter skin tones were richer and did not spend as much time outside working. However, that perception is slowly beginning to dwindle as most people want to achieve a healthier, rather than lighter, complexion.healthier-looking skin is will always attractive, no matter what skin color you have. You should focus on enhancing your overall complexion rather than your skin color if you want to have better-looking skin.

The skin color has nothing to do with beauty. Of course, fair complexion is important factor in the definition of beautiful and attractive woman or man. The most beautiful women of the world are from different countries and different skin colors like Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Sweden, Russia, France etc. Therefore, beauty should not be mixed with skin color.

There are many factors that can affect over skin tone and color. Sun exposure, dehydration, poor diet and lack of good sleep are environmental factors whereas hormonal (high testosterone or thyroid disease etc. ) & metabolic (Addison disease etc.) diseases are the internal factors related to skin color.

It is recommended to apply sun block cream regularly, avoid sun exposure in the mid of day and wear full cloths. Take sufficient vitamin c and beta carotene contain fruits and vegetable.

Use of skin exfoliants like AHA, BHA and retinols are very helpful to have fresh and attractive skin. However, you should be wary of overdoing it. Ideally, you should only use one exfoliant every other night. You should also avoid using too many products with active ingredients. For instance, if you want to use BHA, you should skip products that contain AHA, vitamin C, or retinol at the same day. The fewer skincare products, the better.

Ideally, you should always consult to a dermatologist, especially when it comes to products like chemical exfoliants. They will give you the best skincare advice for your specific skin type, concerns, and goals. Additionally, your dermatologist may utilize some devices and procedures to achieve desirable results.

Address : SKIN111 Clinic, Nakheel Mall - Palm Jumeirah (LG floor, next to Emirates Islamic Bank)
Tel : 04-5542846

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